
Records Packaging and Transmittal 

​The requirement for transmittal of records to statutory bodies is becoming more and more common. A formal system for packaging these records as per specified design, and transmitting to the relevant body makes this process quick, integrated and secure.

The Circle T Records Packaging and Transmittal Manager enables organisations to remain compliant with their record keeping obligations with ease.  The system integrates natively with Microsoft Purview records management, plus supports 3rd party and manual packaging and transmittals.  The solution guides Records Managers through the process from start to finish.
The solution is VERS 3 VEO validated and certified.

Product key features

Integrated process to guide users from packaging to transmittal and disposal of records transmitted
- Request transmittal to statuary body and usually receive a consignment number
- Produce the shipping manifests and package the records with appropriate additional data
- Transmit the packaged items securely and auto-dispose of the records in the host location

Shipping manifest can be built automatically or manually
- Automatic build happens as items reach their disposal date as specified by their file plan
- Assisted build helps organisations who do not yet have file plans in place, and enables inclusion of records based on search 
- Manual build allows for specification of records by file path

Records are packaged into the required format as specified by the statuary body
- Format required may vary, solution can update to respond to requirements of relevant statuary body
- The focus at this point has been compliance with VERS 3 VEO

Consignment packages are transmitted to the relevant recipient
- Upon confirmation of receipt, records are removed from transmittal location

Case Study

Circle T has delivered a Records Packaging and Transmittal solution for Cardinia Shire Council in conjunction with the Circle T Records Centre.  For more information on the Cardinia solution please contact us. 



Circle T Transmittal Manager Informational Pack
VERS 3 commercial products listed in PROV website.  Circle T are currently the only vendor listed.


Circle T Records Packaging and Transmittal Manager homepage