Agreement Manager
​Your organisation will step-change governance and control with centralised creation, drafting, approvals and location for agreements, contracts, proposals and tender responses.
The Circle T Agreement Manager allows organisations to take control of all types of agreements to increase compliance and minimise overheads in contract management. Primary agreements are stored alongside supporting collateral, documents can be shared for viewing or co-authoring as required, and then signed digitally. All content is stored and managed in Microsoft 365, and as such can be protected, stored and destroyed as legislated.
Product key features
Agreement creation and management
- Initiate agreements from a centralised location to increase control, consistency and use of templates
- Gather required information about agreements
- Assign actions and complete drafting and approvals
- Share with counterparties and complete e-signing from one location
- Automated triggering of actions as an agreement comes to expiry or review dates
- Integration with downstream processes including invoicing and project creation
Agreement display and search
- Agreement containers/ titles displayed to broader stakeholders for awareness, while documents within them can be kept private
- Search, refiner and report on agreements by org structure, counterparty, agreement type, start or expiry dates
- Rich, flexible and visual reporting delivered in PowerBI